
SONA 2015: Reaction Paper, Highlights, and Sample

The President of the Philippines is about to deliver his 6th and final State of the Nation Address (SONA) to all Filipino people on Monday, July 27, 2015. The last SONA of our President Benigno S. Aquino III will be held at Batasan, Pambansa, Commonwealth, Quezon City.

SONA 2015: Reaction Paper, Highlights, and Sample

According to the NCRPO chief, they are deploying a 8,700 police around the venue to protect and secure the area during the 6th State of the Nation Address of PNoy.

It is also the start of a new regular session of the Upper and Lower House of country’s Legislative Branch of Government. This is also a highly anticipated date of the Aquino administration.

To begin creating your Reaction Paper, we must know first the content or the text of his speech, in other words, we need to watch the SONA first then take note all the promises, plans, and projects accomplishment he achieved in the said year of his terms.

Watch the SONA 2015 Live Stream (Video)

All the highlights must be listed carefully so you can formulate a good reaction paper for SONA 2015. Then create a questions that will be your guide in creating reaction paper.

Sample Questions:
Does the President fulfilled all his promises?
What do you feel about SONA 2015?
Do you agree or disagree with his SONA and Why?
Please identify the given situation involved in 2015 SONA?
What would be the best way to evaluate the 2015 SONA?


We can now start doing our reaction paper. We'll guide you and give sample on how to write your reaction paper for SONA 2015.

On this sample introductions below, you could use it as your guide for creating your reaction paper.
(Note: this is only sample reaction paper introductions)

The President of the Philippines was successfully delivered his last State of the Nation Address. President Aquino started his SONA on saying forgiveness from all because he did not performed the traditional processional walks that he usually do because he was not feeling well. But he do acknowledge all his audiences specially those his fellow politicians and members of the congress and the diplomatic corps including the past presidents.

For now! I suggest to save or keep this page because we're gonna update this on Monday, July 27 and we'll help you to create your reaction paper for SONA 2015.

Guide Links for SONA 2015:

Watch SONA 2015 Live Streaming Video
Full Text Transcript SONA 2015 (Tagalog)
Full Text Transcript SONA 2015 (English)


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